I Was Just at Call From a Medical Clinic

While sitting in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, the overall kaleidoscope of life is something you can’t help but try to take in. Back of each clipboard or magazine resides a story awaiting the right person to unfold it. You overhear whispers about knees that won’t cooperate, rashes that won’t go away, and elders groaning over their high blood pressure. It’s a microcosm of The whole banana.

Medical clinics, those unsung heroes of healthcare, are more than band-aids and stethoscopes. Instead of what you might think, they are like a teeming symphony in which doctor, patient, and beeping machine together compose And opus of health. You can think of the clinic as A ring of detective mystery solvers. The doctors are the Sherlocks, coming armed not with deerstalker hats but latex gloves and confidence.

Some truly odd experiences have been had within these walls. Picture a patient coming in with a red rash that looks like something by Picasso. After consultations are over and a few giggles dispelled, out bounds a most delightful diagnosis. I once heard A patient claim to be allergic to winter. As weird as that sounds, her sneezes were no more past history than a snowball’s chance in hell.

Physical exams at clinics come as varied as a box of chocolates. Something for everyone. Whether you come in with throbbing feet or are simply looking for reassurance. If you find yourself lost in medical jargon remember that The nurse with the clown socks is there to interpret, readies an encouraging pat in addition to some advice This is a bird which sings in one note only.

The grapevine in clinics is stronger than your early morning coffee. “Have you heard about Mary’s son who broke an ankle dancing?” Or “Mr Thompson is back with his fascinating stories.” These snippets, whizzing through faster than a sneeze during the spring pollen season, create bonds as strong as any connect The informalities of life here.

So when life gives you a headache and congestion, the good old clinic is there with unassuming strength. Behind every cough and word of diagnosis, a ADinkel or Mrs. Van Corduene. Next time you need A medical checkup, come on in. The doors await your arrival, and so do both literal and figurative ears.